Cancellation/Refund Policy
Here are some points mentioned that tell about our cancellation and refund policy
- When you place any order, it can be cancelled within 2 hours of ordering by emailing us at along with Order Id.
- We will issue the refund within 2-3 business days directly in your source account. For e.g., if you paid through Credit card or bank account, the refunded amount will be credited to the card or account that you had used for payment.
- If you cancel your order after two hours, still you can email us we may try to cancel that if it hasn't been assigned to our translators.
- Before delivering final documents we email the draft to the customers so that they can check and approve the document to finalize.
- If you ask us to make changes in the documents after finalizing then additional cost of Rs. 250 plus 18% GST will be charged.